My first post .... I wish I could think of something profound to say, but of course I can't! Let me just get down and dirty and tell you about my day ....
My alarm went off around 6ish (and by the way, I am NOT a morning person) and of course I hit snooze a zillion and one times until my husband woke me up.
I get to work, park in the parking deck (level three if that's of interest) and start my walk to the hospital. I go to the entrance I usually enter through and my badge wouldn't work! Great way to start off the day! So after standing there at the ambulance bay looking like a complete and total moron swiping my badge a cazillion times I resorted to the employee entrance. One would think, myself being an employee would enter in the employee entrance anyway. So I walk back down to the entrance and in I go .... down a flight of stairs, then down the hall and up two flights of stairs. Again swipe ... nothing. So I keep on swiping like a mad women and nothing ... again, great way to start off the day. So up another flight of stairs I go ... go into a door that doesn't need badge access and onto the elevator to go down to the first level. By this time I'm hot, mad, anxious (I have anxiety) and just want to cry. (Have I mentioned the Monday was my first day at this hospital?) I get to where I need to be ... my supervisors office who is "orienting" me. I walked in at 7 acording to the clock on his wall. He's rustling through some papers to see if I was supose to be there and if I was why I wasn't. HELLO .... I'm to get there at 7, and it was 7 on the dot. Okay, so I should be early ... but it wasn't my fauly that my badge didn't work this morning now was it?
So off to the department we go .... he informs me I have the same floor as yesterday (I liked that) and hands me my assignment, tells me to get a handheld and print out a something something and something. Those somethings are numbers ... but I can't remember them to save my life right now. So okay ... I get the handheld and have no clue how to print any of the somethings. So he tells me again how to do it (I write it down this time). I've only been told once ... like I'm going to remember. So then he tells me to get my meds and head to the floor. What? Don't I get report or anything?
My day just got worse ... I felt like crawling in a corner somewhere and just crying and hoping nobody would find me. I check my charts ... start my treatments and I THINK my day is getting better. Nope ... think again Abby. This is where I start asking stupid questions! (Whoever said there are no stupid questions was just plain stupid!!!!) I ask about a QID treatment. (QID is 4 times a day) I'm use to working night shift at my previous hospital and the times we did treatments are a bit different than this one. So who would think that asking when a QID treatment was started would be a dumb question? I was informed everything was done at 7! Alrighty then! Off I go. I get interupted by a nurse .... she's having trouble with a face mask's not misting. I go in .. .it's out of water ...hmmmmm, you think that's why? DUH! So I go again to ask yet another question .... let me add here that when I go to ask a question I stand and wait forever because he's talking to all the nurses and not paying any attention that I need to know things. So I find out where the set up is .... from a nurse, not him to just be told by him that the whole set up needs changed out today that we'll do it later. FINE!
I finish up and off we go ... downstairs to get the set up. I go up by myself to set it up and all is well. As I walk past the nurses station I'm stopped to be informed of an ABG (arterial blood gas) that's need in room xxx. No hurry she said ... just when I have time. Okay ... I had time, I go in ... of course he's having breakfast! So I said I'd come back later.
I go back down and start my charting in the handheld. I take notes on my paper as I did at my previous job and then chart once I'm finished. Not what they want here ... so I'm told over and over and over ALL day about the importance of charting as you do everything, you make less charting mistakes that way. Whatever!
Time for second rounds ... I go do them by myself and chart as I go. (TRYING to be the good employee) I had some questions about how to go back, etc but of course ..... nowhere to be found! So I just did it how I felt was right and went on with life. Finally I go over everything and it's finished (wanted to double check). I decided to call him to find out what I was to do. I'm to run a something something and something again! Well these weren't what I ran earlier so I had no clue how to do it. Yup, I was "oriented" on it ... but that was along with 50 million other things when I was on brain overload. So I sat there for a good 45 minutes trying to figure it out on my own because I didn't want to call my supervisor again because he was in the nursary dealing with a "crisis".
So he comes back ... asks how everything looked and I'm like I have no idea I'm so confused it's not funny. I explained I had questions about charting and didn't know how to run what he asked. So he gives me this look like .... stupid moron and says you've been sitting here all this time just staring at that screen. Ummm, no! I've ben trying to figure it out because I had been told and I was trying to remember. So he tells me, I do it ... take notes and then ... you guessed it, he leaves. Parks me in front of the Policy and Procedure manual and there I sit. He was off to deal with the "crisis" some more and was coming back shortly (so he said).
I read (well looked over what I felt like) all of the Policy and Procedure manual. Finished charting since he never answered my questions. I realized that ABG was never done ... but since there was only 30 odd minutes left in my shift I said screw it. I couldn't run it anyway because I haven't been shown that.
About 20 till I went over to the department because I was bored and wanted out of there. I had a counseling apointment at 3 and wanted to make it on time, or shortly thereafter. Low and behold sitting in the department ... yup, my supervisor. (Thanks for coming back and checking on me!) I staple my "reports" I ran together and threw them in the box. Signed out of my handheld and sat it on the charger. I then asked who I was to give report to .... of course someone beat me to him, so I had to wait. (Figures!) My supervisor asked how my papers looked and I said okay I guess. So of course he gets them and points out all these "problems" to me .... "if you charted as you did everything, things like this wouldn't happen, blah blah blah". Maybe if you were doing your job and actually orienting me and answering my questions things wouldn't happen!!! I forgot to chart one thing (had a question on how to do it and since my questions went unanswered I skipped it). Then he pointed out all these people with oxygen orders that are on room air and doing well .... I should have d/c'd them. Whatever, I did! Pull a new report and look! So back over to give report I go .... shortly after that I was handed a paper ... did you ever get back to this ABG. Ummmm no! I went twice he was eating. His response ... we'll you're going to make it three! WHAT! It's now 5 til 3! So I march out and go stick the guy .... took it and had another therapist run it since I don't know how to use there machine and of course it was venus not arterial! Forget it!
I go back down to the department .... it's now 10 after. Tell him it was venous and I wasn't sticking him again, night shift can get it. So I page my person to give him report and was on my way. Packing up .... "did you chart that CPT?" UGH ... no! Then here it comes again ... if you charted as you did everything you'd be home by now. (Okay, last button he was going to push!) With my attitude (which believe me I have) I looked at him and said no I'd be at my dr. apointment (which he knew about) so I don't have to pay for not showing up!! I think he got the point not to mess with me I had it! I charted and left without a see ya!
Got to my car and it was 330 ..... no way was I going to make my 3 apointment a little late. So I called home to check the messages to see if they called looking for me. THANK GOD my therapist was ill today and wasn't in!!!! I was happy to hear that message!
So I go home .... bawling all the way. Came home .... let Socs out and then watched some movie I have no idea what it was about and I never did figure it out! Socs slept on my lap (ya he thinks he's a lap dog) and I just soaked in the love.
And tomorrow.... I have to go back!!!