As boring as it may be, it's my life. You live life and learn as you go along. So hop into my life and enjoy the ride! (You don't want to forget to buckle up, sometimes it's one heck of a bumpy ride!)

Saturday, September 04, 2004

Saturday ....

I LOVE to sleep in, actually; I just love to sleep!!!

Our bathtub faucet has been leaking for a week or so now ... gradually it has gotten worse, which I guess is how most leaks do. This morning the plummer called and said he could be out this morning. (A plumber working on a Saturday and not charging more ... they do exsist!) Well he came and fixed the leak ... and was gone. Suposidly I was told this morning that he was coming, etc but I don't remember a thing!! Our bedroom is right beside the bathroom and I didn't hear him sawing or anything. I do remember Socrates barking (he was put into the bedroom with me so he would leave the plumber alone), but I didn't think much of it ..... just told him to hush up and go back to sleep .... which he did (he loves to sleep too). So either I was really tired, or my medications are just wonderful! I think it was a combo .... and that with the door closed and the fan on, you don't hear much outside noise.

We got up around 1ish and started the day .... or should I say Socrates and I got up around 1ish, my husband had been up for hours.

Let's see .... we started the day by going to the hospital so I could run the pager that I brought home by accident yesterday back to the department. (And I thought I wouldn't have to see that place until Tuesday) Then we went to Target ..... I'm a Target lover!!!! LOVE that red bullseye and that cute dog!! Target is the store for me! The only thing today was flies ... oh my goodness!! They were everywhere and tons of them! Everyone was swatting and complaining. We still haven't figured what was up with that. After leaving Target we went to the library (yes I'm going to bore you with what all I did up until now) to drop off some books. Then to eat .... we were hungry!!! Chipoltes it was .... yum! Love that place!!! Can't beat a veggie barieto and chips and guacamole!! Wow ... slept in, Target, AND Chipoltes all in one day!!! :)

I left out a few things ... one ... we drove around and looked at a couple houses (we're in the market) and drove by "my house" which is near the hospital. I'm in love with this house ... we haven't gotten to look inside YET, but we will and soon! I just love it. There's something about it. Driving by it I thought, cute house. But when we drove back into the driveway (it's vacant) I fell in love. I can't really figure out why, but there's just something about it ..... it gave me this homey feeling.

Okay .... I think that pretty much summed it up. Boring I know, but it's my life ....


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