As boring as it may be, it's my life. You live life and learn as you go along. So hop into my life and enjoy the ride! (You don't want to forget to buckle up, sometimes it's one heck of a bumpy ride!)

Monday, September 06, 2004

September, what a wonderful month!

This is it ... the month is should all be happening, our daughter should be conceived sometime this month!!! I can't help but think about it, what the parents are like, what the circumstances are that they will be giving birth to a girl and abandoning her. I can't fathom doing that, nor can I fathom how many children (mostly girls) are abandoned daily in China! Left in boxes by the side of the road, laid in with the produce in a store, left by the train tracks ... turning a baby in is against the law, so the mothers abandon them. So hard to believe ... one minute you have a beautiful baby, the next you're leaving it .... do they linger to see who picks them up? Does that day haunt them for the rest of there lives? I do have to say that I will forever be grateful to one mother in China who will abandon a baby girl. She probably doesn't even know the events that will take place in her life yet ... maybe it's a planned pregnancy, but one in hopes for a boy. Maybe it was a pregnancy the government doesn't know about ... but whatever it is ... thank you! That baby girl that is conceived this month will be abandoned, found, and put in an orphanage. That baby girl will live in the orphanage until she is six months or so ... and then, she will be adopted. It's not the way I would like my daughters life to start out ... abandoned, living in an orphanage, getting adopted by two American people and taken to the US which is totally different than her homeland. But this is how it is, and I am grateful for it ..... it sounds crazy saying ... "thanks for abandoning your daughter" but without that I wouldn't have a daughter. So yes, thanks! Don't get me wrong ... I wish this wasn't the way that many Chinese girls start there lives. It's a culture much different than the one I know. It breaks my heart the numbers of children that start there lives in an orphanage ... it breaks my heart even more the number of children that live the biggest part of there life or all of there life in an orphanage!!! But yes ... thank you!!! I don't know you ... you don't know me, and probably never will, but thank you! Thank you for giving me an opportunity to be a mother! I can't wait until the day my daughter is placed in my arms! That date seems so far away ...


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