What did I do to deserve this torture?
So again I get the pleasure of sitting in my supervisors office (the one that I have trouble with, of course) to get reprimanded (although when I used that word to his boss, she said that wasn't what it was about).
It boils down to stupid stuff ... and a co-worker that followed me ran to him letting him know I did some sloppy work! Here's what I did:
When charting the numbers on the flow sheet in the nursery, I wrote a number in the wrong box once, wrote the wrong date (I work nights, give me a break), and one of my numbers was illegible. Okay, so I wasn't paying attention ... I was talking to the nurse while I wrote down the numbers. Yes, at a legal stand point in court it wouldn't look good ... But geez! I'm human! Oh ya ... one of the flowsheets I didn't put a label on so if the clipboard was dropped it could be confused as to which baby it went to!
I didn't pick up the hearing screens ... there were 5 in the folder when the day shift person checked it. Sue me! I check the folder, I can't help it when the nurses, and nursing assistants that do the screens hold them back. I can't be running over there every second checking it. And when I said to him, "what do you want me to do, check it at 7 when my shift emds?" he actually said yes! Sorry I check it at 0630 for the last check of the night. I've gone and found many in there from day shift before, who cares! It takes a second to enter it in the computer ... GROW UP!
And lastly I got in trouble for not charging in the nursery ... funny thing about that is, HE never told me I needed to! HE oriented me, and here it is over a year later and they are just figuring this out? Guess they lost a lot of money over the past year! Don't you think HE should be getting in trouble for that little slip up, not me?
And get this ... I go into the meeting all prepared. I had received a MOX (inside email) with everything, so I made sure it was all fixed prior to talking with him. I had my co-worker show me how to charge, printed out the screen and took notes to show him (and to keep for my benefit). One would think that would make it go smoothly ... But nope! I left feeling about an inch tall (if that), worthless, ignorant, and wanting to quit. Made it to the ED (I go out that way to get to the parking deck) before the tears started flowing ... He will never see me cry!
One would think with all the problems HE causes in that department he'd be outta there!