As boring as it may be, it's my life. You live life and learn as you go along. So hop into my life and enjoy the ride! (You don't want to forget to buckle up, sometimes it's one heck of a bumpy ride!)

Friday, October 21, 2005

The two year pregnancy!

Okay, so it's an adoption ... not a two year pregnancy, but I need some sanity here!!!

Friday morning we had our travel meeting with the adoption agency. It's always done right before or right after you get your referrals. In the meeting you go over paper work that needs completed for the adoption in China, travel tips, packing tips, what to expect, how to deal with things, etc ....

Now here's the BAD news!!!!! Remember how I was SOOO flipping excited about getting the referral earlier than we expected (end of October)? Well guess what? They're backed up, and slow due to the bird flu (which isn't in China ... but it's a concern) ........... so we're not to expect anything until mid to late November .. travel END of December, most likely early Jan. So another Christmas without my baby. When she said that I just cried ... and the other lady in my group (there's 3 of us ... one couple couldn't make it and went to another meeting as they have moved and live in Idaho or somewhere now) did as well.

I'm hoping (but know in the back of my head it won't happen) that we got thrown in with the group ahead of us (which the adoption agency doesn't think we will ... but doesn't have a way of knowing that group should be hearing something any day now! They were expecting to hear something in early October. It's torture I tell you!!!!!!!!!!!!! And after having my first baby shower Thursday, then that Friday morning .... just downright depressing!!!!

So there you have it ...


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