Oats .....
So it's 640Am and here I am eating oats. I just couldn't sleep ..... weird dreams, tossing and turning, having panic attacks in dreams that were in dreams. So strange. So I got up. No use tossing and turning. It's on the chilly side, and I was on the hungry side ..... I wanted oats. Luckily that's a staple in our house (note to self, I used the last of them). So I made them. I like them thick and lumpy .... brown sugar on top and a big glass of milk on the side. Don't even think about pouring that milk on my lumpy hot oats!!!
What a comfort food it is! It warms your body as it goes down, and also warms your soul. I can remember eating oats before school or on the weekends. I remeber eating oats with my Grandparents. I get my way of eating oats from my Grandfather .... a little oats with the brown sugar please! :)
I remember being told (or maybe saw it on a tv show or something) about kids in orphanages getting oats (porrage) every morning. I remember thinking how lucky they were! It didn't dawn on me that they were parentless, but that they got the yummy warm breakfast every morning.
It's the breakfast that just starts your day off right ....nice and warm!