As boring as it may be, it's my life. You live life and learn as you go along. So hop into my life and enjoy the ride! (You don't want to forget to buckle up, sometimes it's one heck of a bumpy ride!)

Friday, December 28, 2007

Homesick, and thoughts

Okay, so I'm 32 and not afriad to admit that I do still get homesick!

It's been FOREVER since I've been home and I miss it ... it's funny you move away thinking whoohooo, I'm outta here, and then miss the place ... the people, your old friends. :(

This holiday season I uber suck and have YET to get my Christmas cards (store bought at that) out. But yup, those of you that are expecting them from me will be getting them .... slightly late! :) It's the thought that counts, right???

I just wanted to take a moment and wish you all a blessed new year. May you all have a joyous and safe one!!! Take time to tell those you love that you love them, and don't let all the little things bother you ... because they are just that, little things. In the big scheme of things they don't really matter. What matters is your happiness, health, and being surronded by those you love!

I've had a purely shitty year, and I want to thank you (you all know who you are) for being with me through some of the hardest things I've had to go through. (And continue to hurdle over.) My friends are unfortunately spread all over, but you each have a special place in my heart ... I hope you know that! I think of you all often ... and miss you a lot!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

A true legand

By injecting music and love into people's lives he thought he could cure racism. He was quoted saying before a preformance (or maybe it was after), "the people who are trying to make this world worse are not taking a day off. Why should I?” after he was gunned down the previous day.
Through sacrificial love, by injecting love to light up the darkness, life can be lived in light of hope.

Light up the darkness!


Thursday, December 20, 2007

Cracking under pressure

I NEVER crack under pressure, ever! I'm not trying to gloat or anything, but I'm great under pressure. Put me in a situation where I have to think on my feet and I can do it without batting an eye. Except tonight!!!!!!
I don't know what happened. I don't know if it's because I have so much on my mind, I didn't take my meds today, or simply because I haven't been in the NICU for awhile and had to set up equipment. But man did I feel stupid!!!!!!!

I get a call that they needed two CPAP's for twins. No problem, day shift had ordered two today and they came this evening. (Third set of twins in two days) I hadn't gotten around to setting them up, so I grabbed one and my co-worker grabbed another and we scrambled around putting all the parts on it that they needed. Up to the NICU we go ...

One of the twins was doing just fine, didn't need the CPAP so I took mine to the baby that did. I plugged everything in and started putting on the hat and one of the nurses looked at me and said, "ummmm, that's upside down". I felt like a total and complete moron! So I turn it around and put it on the right way ... just to find out I needed a bigger size!! Usually I'm good at judging those, but nope! So I got the other and stuck it on. I then put the little prongs on the end of the circuit and stood waiting for the nurse to get an IV in. The lovely nurse that had told me the hat was upside down looked at me and said did you put prongs on that and I felt like saying, no does it need it ... but bit my tongue and said yup, it's ready to go, just waiting for that line to go in. (The baby was stable, CPAP wasn't a huge issue at the moment.) She grabbed it from me and started putting it on the baby. Whatever! I go to the head of the bed to find only one prong in one nare ... no wonder I could hear air whooshing around and the alarms were going crazy!! I fixed it, reset the alarms then started taking notes for myself.

Throughout what usually would be a no brainer for me, I felt like I knew NOTHING. I felt like everyone there was looking at me thinking does she know what she's doing??? Okay, so I'm new to the hospital and they don't know me up there. I'll give them that. But I know what I'm doing, I've put TONS of CPAPs on babies throughout my career as a respiratory therapist. I just don't know what happened tonight. I just hope it doesn't happen again!!!!!!!

Smoking and pregnancy

I cannot stand to see a pregnant women smoking!! There is a women that works in the hospital I do that is pregnant and you can see her outside at any given moment smoking. A person in the medical profesion smoking while pregnant!!!!
Yes we all know the dangers of smoking, everyone knows it's bad for us, blah blah blah ... we even know the dangers of second hand smoke. So why on earth would someone be so selfish to smoke while carrying a baby??? That poor child has no say in what is going on, the danger it is being put in. The mere 2,500 chemicals being put into that unborn childs system could potentially kill it!!!
Smoking during pregnancy not only increases the risk of having a baby with a low birth rate, but it greatly increases the risk of having a baby pre term (prior to 37 weeks).
Let's talk birth defects, etc ... cleft lip, cleft palate, cerebal palsy, mental retardation, learning difficulties, behavioral problems, asthma, ear infections, and tonsilities. They are TWICE as likely to die from SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Sydrom).

That's all just the tip of the iceburg ... so my quetion is WHY??? Why be so selfish to potentially harm an unborn child???


Monday, December 17, 2007

The magic of the season

There is nothing more peaceful than sitting in a room with all the lights off and looking at a lite Christmas tree. All the ornaments glistening from the twinkle lights. I love it, I miss it. The past few years I haven't had a tree, and every Christmas Eve I have gone to bed wishing to wake up to that magical tree. But of course when I would wake on Christmas still no tree.
There's still time to put a tree up, but the question is will I? This last in December is it really worth the hassel? Dragging out all the boxes of ornaments, putting up the tree, etc ... Just to take it down come January.
I had planned to put lights on the house, candles in the windows, the whole nine yards this year ... but of course life has gotten in the way and I haven't done a thing. It would probably help if my house wasn't filled with unpacked boxes. Maybe after this weekend when I have a living room of furniture rather than boxes I will be more likely to put the tree up. Only time will tell.

I do long for that peaceful feeling of the lights ... just sitting there looking at the tree.


Friday, December 14, 2007

Angels in disguise

I've always been told (and believe) there are angels everywhere ... angels in disguise so to speak. Today I got off work, and went to visit a friend (Terry). I dropped Rodney off in Gaithersburg and work, and drove a few exits down to Germantown where Terry lives. Although tired, I had agreed to come and visit and we would go shopping since he recently had gotten a new job. He had a return to make at WalMart (not a store I like ... at all), but I agreed to go. That was our first stop and let me tell you, that place was BUSY!!!! People everywhere, and like WalMarts always are ... junk everywhere you look. Never can they keep the isles clean without putting a display of somekind there. For me, it was just too much to deal with. My anxiety was high to begin with, then being without sleep ... I just couldn't deal. So I told him I would be outside, to take his time. On my way out, I got a call from Rodney telling me he would be going to New York for work. Not a big deal, but for whatever reason at that time it was a HUGE deal. I got upset and we had a slight arguement on the phone because he was to pick up a futon I had gotten the next morning. So I could kiss that goodbye because if we didn't get it then, someone else would. Really it was my lack of sleep and anxiety getting the best of me, and he was the unfortunate one that took the blunt of it.
I hung up my phone and started to head to my car. The ding a ling (that's what my mom and I have always called the people that ring for the Salvation Army around the Christmas season) said, "honey, are you okay?" I smiled and gave the generic yes answer. She looked at me and said, "Well you don't look okay, you seem frustrated" I smiled again, and stated I was extremely frustrated, and tired. I then explained where I lived (about an hour and a half away if not more) and I had worked the night before. She told me it sounded like I needed to just go to my car and cry it all out, then go home and get some much needed rest. If only things were that easy.
I stood there while waiting for Terry talking to her ... I think she needed someone to talk to as much as I did. She told me about her sister who is batteling breast cancer and has small children. She has been going there (30 minutes away) taking care of her and her kids in the morning and evening before going home. On top of that she drives her husband to work in Baltimore, and has a job and does the ringing. What a full plate!!! It made my troubles seem extremely small compaired to hers. She's being faced with losing her younger sister and being left with her kids to raise. More than I care to bare! I would absolutely die if I lost my sister!!!!!
It really made me think how there truely are people out there that touch our lives, make us put things into perspective, let us know we're not alone. She was one of them.
I'll probably never see her again, but I know I'll never forget her.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

I was tagged in October

Geesh ... Dawn tagged me late October and I just noticed! How sad is that??? Here goes nothing ....

Here's the deal:

7 Random Facts I must post. So read them, comment on them & then check to see if your name is in the 7 I tag. If it is, list 7 Random Facts about yourself & pass on the tag to 7 people.

Randomness follows

1. I have been a vegetarian since the fourth grade. My parents thought it was a phase ... guess it wasn't! :)

2. I HATE being alone, most people enjoy just staying in and doing nothing, but it makes me climb the walls!!! My worst fear is dieing alone.

3. My inner strength that I didn't even realize I had has gotten me where I am today, and will help me reach my goals of tomorrow.

4. More than anything I want to be happy in life.

5. I think getting tattoo's is extremely relaxing and spiritual. Can't wait for my next one.

6. I'm 32 and still watch cartoons ... I'll never grow up!

7. I actually like wearing glasses

Ok so know I have to tag some people


Where to start???

I've gotten a lot of complaints from not keeping up with my blog ... sorry guys!!! It's not that I don't have the time ... I have more than enough, it's just that I'm so behind I don't know where to start. It's the whole catch up thing ... back blogging I like to call it.

So here's a simple update, then I promise to fill you all in ...
1. I started working at Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore October 1st and love it. Great people!!
2. I moved into my own house (3 level condo actually) November something ... still getting unpacked and settled in, etc.
3. Adjusting to living "on my own" ... NOT easy!
4. Anxiety and depression is crazy!!!!!!!

Ummmmmm, yup ... that should do it for now! :)