Last night Kate rocked DC, of course I was there rockin' out!! (Like I'd miss seeing Kate when she's in DC!)
After her set we hung out and had a lot of fun talking, guarding the restroom Charlie's Angel style of course ... which lead to a new dance! :) (Of course lead to goofy pictures) Tons of fun as always, it's hard to be with Kate and not have fun!!!
After about 2 songs the batteries went dead in my camera .... yup, DEAD!!!! Terry being the sweetheart he is, ran like 5 miles (in the rain) to buy a pack of batteries for me .... he unfortunately missed all but the last 3 songs ... but still had a good time! And I got to take pictures (as I ALWAYS do). (Thanks Terry, even though you didn't have to)
It was a VERY fun night .... if you ever have the chance to see Kate Starr, don't miss out!!!!!! (And if you haven't voted for her today for her chance to perform at Lolapolooza, get to it!!!