As boring as it may be, it's my life. You live life and learn as you go along. So hop into my life and enjoy the ride! (You don't want to forget to buckle up, sometimes it's one heck of a bumpy ride!)

Thursday, April 20, 2006

The Way I See It #74 (from Starbucks cup)

"In a time when even our soil and air might not know the truth, the onle solace we can take in decision - making about our inner peace is through honest, organic and sustainable farming. I guarantee that if y ou know the name of the person who picks your carrots and peas, you will feel better and so will your grandchildren."

--Mario Batali (Chef, author and host of Molto Mario and Mario Eats Italy on Food Network)


Monday, April 17, 2006

I've been tagged

Casii you SO did this because I'm way behind on my blog! :P (I still love you though)

As you've probably figured out, I have been tagged by Casii, and I am to bless someone else.
I have to agree with Casii, there's a lot of people (especially right now) that I could write about ... so many people have shown me the true meaning of friendship. So, speaking of friendship ... who else would I pick? The ever popular Shyam (I wonder if he still has his following here?). :)

Even though Shyam and I haven't known each other forever, there's some freaky connection between us. Imagine that ... me have a freaky connection! :)
I met Shyam through my husband. Bart hired him to be one of his lackeys! (Just kidding) They pretty much hit it off first thing, and before I knew it this Shyam guy was calling here pretty much every night. They'd talk on the phone, on the computer ... you'd think you'd get enough of each other at work!
Being the person I am ... I'd have to stick my 2 cents in here and there during there conversations. I didn't even know the guy ... but there I was giving him crap about one thing or another. Then at a graduation party for Bart's intern, I met him in person. It was too weird! It was like not only did we connect, but I felt like I had known him forever. Strangest thing ever. So that's where it started ...

He's an amazing person, he is FINALLY taking control of his life and doing what he needs to do so that can happen. The strength it takes to do that, is something many don't posses. He's been in more than his share of trouble ... and has plenty of funny stories to go along with them. But trouble doesn't always end how one would think.

He served less than a month (he got out on good behavior) in jail, which he said he NEVER wants to be in a situation that would get him in there again. He's been in drug rehab since December something (I could look back in my blog, but I'm too lazy) ... except for the 20 whatever days he served his ridiculous jail sentence. Never has he actually done a long term rehabilitaion program, he's always done the short one or two month one's ... which obviously don't work. So there he is ... sticking it out, staying clean! I am SO proud of him!

I miss him, I'm mad he's not here when I need him the most .... but nonetheless he rocks! He has a heart of gold and the inner strength to get him through this ... and any challenge placed before him! I'm extremely proud to call him my friend!

And to let the tagging continue ... I tag Tunester ......... :)

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Quote for the day

Run in the rain to get wet,
Call a friend just because you care,
Simile just because you can,
and laugh just to make people stare.


Saturday, April 01, 2006

Thought for the day

From the Books of Geshe Kelsang Gyatso
The world we experience when we are awake and the world we experience when we are dreaming are very similar, for both are mere appearances to mind that arise from our karma. If we want to say that the dream world is false we also have to say that the waking world is false, and if we want to say that the waking world is true we also have to say that the dream world is true.
Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Transform Your Life
