I'm SO tired
I just want to go crawl into bed!!!! Of course I'm at work ... as usual! Not real busy, but hectic night in the ER. Started out with a GSW (Gun shot wound) to the chest which was just a mess. Got him semi - stable and he was flown out. Flying conditions not great with fog and wind, but they had no choice because of his condition. But this isn't a trauma center ... proof in the code.
Then it's been one drunk screaming after another (typical Saturday night). A few croupy kids .... but at least they're cute. One is by buddy and keeps waving at me when I pass his room. What a cutie he is!
Didn't get much sleep today because Socrates barked pretty much all day it seemed. The movers where next door and he didn't like it ... Bart went out so I was left with sir barks a lot! UGH!!!!!!!! Of course I'm back tonight ..... yuck!!!!!! And then I'm off .... but back my share throughout the week!!! Why did I pick up extra time??????????????????