As boring as it may be, it's my life. You live life and learn as you go along. So hop into my life and enjoy the ride! (You don't want to forget to buckle up, sometimes it's one heck of a bumpy ride!)

Friday, March 11, 2005

Papa John's is EVIL

Yesterday was spent in bed and in the bathroom .... not fun at all. The evening before I had the alfredo pizza from Papa John's and around 2AM I started getting horid pains shooting through my stomach. I rolled around all night with them until morning when my husband came in to get ready for work. (He slept in the other bedroom .... I was moving around too much) That's when it really started ... pain that made me cry!!! I was in SO much pain I begged and begged him to stay with me. Not an easy things since he had a MUST be there meeting and just a really hectic day to boot. But he stayed until 10 and worked from home, and then came home early. Gotta love the guy! :) But it wasn't long until the vomiting starting and then the other thing .... Every 20 minutes!!! Thankfully our bed is RIGHT beside our masterbath so I was close enough ... usually!

But wouldn't you know it .... this was the night I was to be in at work after being off for 2 weeks!!!! Why couldn't it have happened another day!!!!! So it came down to me calling in ... I had no choice, I was sick ... on my death bed sick!!!! But that's another story.

So finally around 11PM I take a shower ... still having pains and dizzy. I then go downstairs and have some broth and crackers. (After testing with crackers and toast to make sure it would stay down) We stayed up another hour or so .... then is was back to the sick room as my husband called it! And I went straight to sleep ... waking up with pains ever so often, but more or less didn't move and slept until 2!!

Today I'm still having the shooting pains and of course I'm sore from the vomiting, but it's passing ... thank God ... glad to see it go!!!


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