As boring as it may be, it's my life. You live life and learn as you go along. So hop into my life and enjoy the ride! (You don't want to forget to buckle up, sometimes it's one heck of a bumpy ride!)

Sunday, January 08, 2006

What a weekend ...

Total waste of a weekend, if you ask me! I spent most of it working on a stupid switch plate album for the Jungle from one of our sponsors!!!!! I have spent more time on this stupid thing than it's worth! I'm talking 20+ hours and it looks like crap! But anyway ....

I got a big ONE page finished for my adoption journal/lifebook, when I was hoping to get at least 5 finished! The biggest problem is getting my husband to help, because I am at a loss and overwhelmed with the whole thing! I put it off too long and I have forgotten too much. But getting him to help is like pulling teeth!!!

I still need to paint the last picture for the babies room ... I've been putting that off for WAY too long because I can't decide how to do it. I think I'll just do it and live with it! (Right, sounded good though) And then I have some shelves that need hung in there, before I can call it finished.

My scrapbook room ... disaster area! I'm talking, call in the bomb squad bad! I need to get this room cleaned up so I can have some friends over to scrap! You'd think that would be enough to get my butt moving ... but nope!! I decided to have people over once a month ... but they kinda need to have table space, right? :)

So here it is, Sunday night and I have the Sunday night blues!!! Work a big 7-11 (PM of course) tomorrow, then not sure about the rest of the week since those willing to help me out with my messed up schedule (which is NOT my fault) can't because it give them overtime!!! Give me a break ... give them 4 hours of over time!!! So I'm trying to work something out where I work 4 hours of one of there shifts. We'll see how that goes. I had to call out last week (Wednesday), and if I have to call out Thursday I will NOT be happy, and I WILL be having a talk with a few people! Don't think you're going to write me up and get me to termination level for scheduling me on days I can't work without asking! You ask for availability, THEN you schedule! So write me up, and it won't be pretty!

Anyway .... that's it! Lovely mood I know ...


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