As boring as it may be, it's my life. You live life and learn as you go along. So hop into my life and enjoy the ride! (You don't want to forget to buckle up, sometimes it's one heck of a bumpy ride!)

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Memorial Service

Today was the memorial service for Bart's uncle Frank. It was a very nice service (on the long side, but nice). Frank had everything planned to a T, even what would be said, and sang. His oldest brother spoke/read of there childhood, the minister spoke on behalf of his daughters on his parenting, his ex-wife spoke about there marriage, and then the minister read about his faith.
Afterwards there was a dinner in the reception hall, which was very nice (KILLER carrot cake). It was nice to visit with those of Bart's family we don't get to see often!

Now for the oddities ... you had to know I'd have something else to say!
One, everything said, to everything that was written about him alluded to the fact that he was still married to his first wife (they were married 30 years I believe). I found that very odd. Another thing was that his second wife was not mentioned once, nor was her son which he adopted. Not even in his obituary where it mentioned his children. A little about the second wife later. I liked the fact he planned everything, but writing everything was a bit much. I don't think it really gave anyone (but his kids) to say there feelings about him. It was more geared towards his life and accomplishments (and a lot was repeated a lot). Don't get me wrong, I think those things should be mentioned, but not in this length. (We're talking hour +) Another thing I found odd was that it was never mentioned that he was ordained and had gone to seminary. Even when a lot of what was said was based upon his faith. His two bachelor degrees and PhD were mentioned, but not that. I did learn somethings about him which I did not know ... These things made me regret not getting to know him better because I figured he was just like his other brothers! I didn't know he supported Martin Luther King, Jr., this is saying A LOT since the family (not all, but the father especially) is/was extremely racist. He supported a child in Haiti, which is one of the places he asked money be donated to. I never knew that, wish I did. He had written that he was never afraid to stand up for what he believed in, and never afraid to right a wrong. Think about that ... NEVER AFRAID to stand up for what he believed in. NEVER AFRAID to right a wrong!!!! Now that (to me anyway) says a lot about a person. I do know that he worked for the government for awhile and found something out (I can't remember the exacts of anything as it's been awhile since I was told) and when he stood up and pointed it out, he was fired for not backing down. Never afraid to right a wrong!

An the ex-wife .....
They met on the internet, she was from Russia. He ended up going to Russia and bringing her and her son back here and marrying her and adopting her son. Let me tell you, this got the family talking ... NOBODY liked it one bit. Personally, I kept saying ... If it makes him happy so what! Everyone was trying to talk him out of it, what if she takes all your money, etc. He wasn't stupid, he knew what he was doing .... And most of all was happy, which to me is all that matters. So they're married ... He adopted her son, and the time passed where she could become a US citizen, which she and her son did. Then some more time passed and they were divorced. Again, he wasn't stupid ... I think he knew exactly what he was doing. She was a very intellagent women who was very educated. Her husband had died, and there she was left in Russia raising a son finding it hard to find a job. She came here, got a very good job ... became a citizen so she can now stay here. I think that goes back to him standing up for what he believes in, righting a wrong. Two people in need that he could help, and he did. It just hurt me that they weren't mentioned (or there for that matter).

Needless to say, it was a very nice service, and he will be greatly missed. But he was ready to go ... cancer had spread to every organ in his body and he was in excruciating pain constantly. I'm just sorry to say that I never had gotten the chance to really know him. Just goes to show you that everyone in a family isn't the same. And NEVER AFRAID to stand up for what you believe in, and NEVER AFRAID to right a wrong .... all I can say is AMEN!


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