As boring as it may be, it's my life. You live life and learn as you go along. So hop into my life and enjoy the ride! (You don't want to forget to buckle up, sometimes it's one heck of a bumpy ride!)

Saturday, March 19, 2005


What's it get you?? I do it a lot, maybe it's to myself, my husband, my friends and family .... but I do it. If I don't like something, you're going to know about it. Character flaw maybe???

Well, I go back to work after being on my death bed with food poisoning to find such a nice email from the male supervisor. "To this date you have not returned your phone call to me. I have changed your call date, please advise the schedule." Okay nice!!! Did it dawn on him that maybe I took advantage of my time being off to take a mini vacation and when I got back the message was over a week old and I figured he would assume I was out of town and move on? Of course not .... what was I thinking?? So I look at the schedule and not only did he take the day I signed up for away, but gave me TWO call dates. Okay ... not happy!!!! This is the second month in a row this has happened ..... and it has happened before.

So what do I do? Write back to him, with a copy attached to the "powers that be". Explaining that this has happened way to much and what's the use of signing up if it's going to be taken away, etc. I work part time because I run a business full time, blah blah blah. I have plans for one of the nights on call and now that is ruined and makes myself and my business look bad. blah blah blah blah blah. I went off.

I received an email back saying a bunch of crap .... basically I was given that extra call date because of my absenses and those absense have put a lot of people out!!!! WHATEVER!!!!!!!!!! Sorry I have anxiety and was perscribed a medication that reacted with my medication I was on and put me in total melt down!!! I had a dr. note. Trust me, I would have rather been at work!!!!!!!!

So anyway .... guess what happened on my night of call?? You guessed it ... got a not very polite phone message saying he needs me to come in and EXPECTS me to be there at 7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Expects me to be there .... come on!!!!

So I go ... look at the numbers, they're low ... well how they have been. Nobody called out. He did it to be a jerk!!!! So I did a big THREE treatments in 8 hours and played on the internet and got time and a half. Big deal!!!! Hopefully someone higher up will notice this! But doubtful!!!!

He will learn not to mess with me .... I do get revenge. I have a few episodes I could go to HR with over sexual harrassment with him.


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