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Thursday, March 16, 2006

So inconsiderate!!!

Bart told me tonight that we both received emails today from Sandy (the head of Chinese adoptions at our agency ... she's who we deal with), one sent to his work email, one to my home email. After reading his, he signed onto my computer from work and permenately deleted the one off my computer because he didn't want me getting it. (Smart man!)

Obviously this was an oversight, we all make mistakes ... but still! I'm guessing she makes email folders for each group (makes sense, it would be easier to send out group emails, etc) .... obviously she didn't bother to remove us from this folder when we didn't get our referral and were no longer in group 26. BIG oversight!!

Bart wasn't going to tell me, but I'm glad he did ... he didn't want me to get upset, etc, which I understand ... but I'm glad to know.

The email was an upbeat excited email about travel dates, etc. "Your travel dates have arrived!" "Your counselet appointments are on X dates". Ummm, no ..... OUR travel dates didn't arrive, we have no appointments, we have no freaking referral!!!! Nice to know our group leaves for China THIS week without us! Bart instantly picked up the phone, and Sandy was conviently on a conference call, in a meeting ... something. So he emailed her telling her, we don't hear a word from her or the agency for 3 weeks and THIS is what we get! He left his cell phone number (which she has) and asked her to call him as soon as she gets the message, he wants to talk.

What the heck? And has she called .... nope!


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