As boring as it may be, it's my life. You live life and learn as you go along. So hop into my life and enjoy the ride! (You don't want to forget to buckle up, sometimes it's one heck of a bumpy ride!)

Saturday, March 18, 2006

I went to bed ....

I took a shower, crawled into bed for a big TWO hours and got up and was at Kelly's with time to spare! I was greeted at the door by two overly energetic people, you know how those morning people are! :) Me, I'm not sure if my eyes were both open ... but I was there!

Kelly drove and we made it there in one piece .... just kidding, she's an excellent driver! The class was in Hagerstown, and was taught by Erin Lincoln (her recent book is GREAT, it's called Savvy Scrapbooking). We had a load of fun ... especially after I woke up! Casii and Kelly knew pretty much everyone .... and I was shunned a couple times ... but in the end they loved me! lol

LOVE the project we made, even though I had technical difficulties with mine! The slow start really got to me I think! But when it came to taking those little inserts out of the DVD cases ... WATCH OUT!!!!! Man that was fun! Of course Erin started calling me furousis, but hey ... stabbing something with a sharp object and NOT getting in trouble, bring it on!!! :)

After the class, we of course shopped ... how couldn't you .... you're there, isn't it a must do type of thing? Kelly and Casii went on there way, and Bart picked me up because we were going to my sisters, then to take another look at the possible location of Creativity Starts Here. Needs a lot of work to make it look how it would need to, but SO much possibility. But we'll see. They've had some calls about it, so I'm giving it some time ..... and if nobody has rented, it was meant to be, and if somebody has, it wasn't. I'll kick myself and be mad about it because I REALLY want to do it!!!! But it needs a lot of work, and we'd have to shell out a lot of money to get displays, and stock ... not that I don't have enough here ... but I'd need more, and new stuff. And of course the amount of time I'd need to spend there .... I'd have to get up early (GASP) to open! I could do it though! But with the adoption so up in the freaking air, it's so hard to even think! We can't exactly start something then close it down while we're in China for a month, etc! But after we got back and she was use to being around people, etc I could have her with me all the time! Major plus if you ask me! But we'll see what happens.


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