As boring as it may be, it's my life. You live life and learn as you go along. So hop into my life and enjoy the ride! (You don't want to forget to buckle up, sometimes it's one heck of a bumpy ride!)

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Could someone give me the manual?

Where the heck is the owners manual on life? If you have one, can I borrow it? If you know where I can get one let me know ... I could use it!!!

I don't get why you go to school. I know you go to learn the basic knowledge to function in society, etc ... but don't you think they'd be a bit more honest about "the real world"? Never once in high school or college was "the real world" portrayed as it really is. Never were REAL scenario's given and ways to deal with them explained. Don't you think that would have been a little more helpful than learning how to solve quadratic equations??? I mean, I don't use that information on a daily basis (or ever for that matter); however, life slaps me (rather bluntly) in the face multiple times daily! Should we not have been better prepared for this??

Just being told, "wait until you get into the real world" or "it will be different in the real world" didn't help me once I got here.
Maybe instead of taking away art and music classes, they should be kept as they are both wonderful outlets for emotions in this so called real world. Maybe replace some other classes with classes on learning to deal with emotions (both yours and others around you), and dealing with the daily stressers that you could possibly be faced with once you are ever so lucky enough to be "in the real world".

I just don't understand .... but this manual .... just hand it over and nobody gets hurt!!!!! Honest!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hear you Abby.

As a teacher, I try to bring in topics of how to handle emotions, how to negotiate with parents (teens like that one), how to work finances so that students can get out of college debt free, how to build healthy relationships, the importance of habits, table manners and more. I have to sneak it in between the French or math curriculum but students seem to appreciate it.

Of course, I'm no expert in each of these areas but it's good to bring them up. While students get to know me better they also get to think about how their world operates now and how they may like for it to operate in the future (even in the world of school and often dysfunctional homes... no judgment, just an observation of my own fam.)

I teach in Canada but taught for 3 years in MI (just before and after 9-11). The school system confused me in MI until a friend helped me out by letting me know that school in America was designed to make good little Americans out of the many immigrants that came to the country. It wasn't designed to prepare kids for life. That made sense given the disconnect between life and curriculum.

Not to place blame but to clarify roles, parents are supposed to give kids the basics in life: how to balance a check book, fill out taxes, deal with menstruation, emotions and relationships, for example.

School was meant to allow kids to gain access to information their parents couldn't provide. With the Internet, the role of the school is changing; it's moving towards teaching kids how to decide credibility of information, thinking processes, global perspective and develop the brain.

You may never use quadratic equations in your life, but learning how to learn them builds your brain tissue with more and better linked pathways. You will use those pathways again but for another purpose. Learning is what keeps us sharp, no matter what it is that we are learning.

The best learning needs meaning which takes place in relationship and in context. While there is no manual on life, although some may say the Bible or other holy book, developing mentor relationships, and taking life and one learning opportunity after another helps us navigate the journey.

All the best as you try to figure it out and then gain peace through acceptance.

12:17 AM

Blogger Abby said...

Thanks so much for your wonderful input and words of advise!!! You sound like a wonderful teacher that has touched many many lives!! Keep up the wonderful work!!

12:21 AM


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